
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Testing Education and Education Test: Part I

 Surprise Quiz: Education 101, Introduction to US College Education


1. How many students are currently attending 2 or 4-year colleges and universities in the US?

A.    2 million
B.    8 million
C.     12 million
D.    18 million

2. How many students are currently enrolled in graduate programs in the US?

A.    900,000
B.    2.9 million
C.     4.1 million
D.    6.2 million

3. How many colleges and universities are there currently in the US

A.    3,200
B.    4100
C.     5300
D.    6800

4. What percentage of students attend for profit colleges and universities

A.    2%
B.    6%
C.     10%
D.    14%

5. Since 1986, the cost of college tuition has risen by what percent?

A.    150%
B.    275%
C.     390%
D.     500%

6. How much money did students to pay for colleges in 2011 borrow?

A.    89 billion
B.    110 billion
C.     210 billion
D.    400 billion

 7. What percentage of millennials say they would have been better off working, instead of going to college and paying tuition?

A.    13%
B.    25%
C.     33%
D.    44%

8. How much of every tuition dollar goes toward paying employee health care benefits?

A.    1%
B.    10%
C.     20%
D.    30%

9. What is the average tuition discount for first year students at private colleges and universities?

A.    12%
B.    26%
C.     35%
D.    42%

10. Between 2000 and 2005, private lending to college students has:

A.    Stayed roughly the same
B.    Doubled
C.     Quadrupled
D.    Dropped significantly

11. At the 200 most selective colleges and universities that are most difficult to get into, what percent of the entering class came from families in the bottom half of incomes (under $ 65,000)?

A.    15%
B.    20%
C.     25%
D.    30%

12. What percent of full-time students who began college in 2001 received a bachelor’s degree within four years?

A.    66%
B.    56%
C.     46%
D.    36%

13. What percentage of grades given to college students are A’s

A.    18%
B.    24%
C.     33%
D.    42%

14.  After 2 years of study what percentage of college students did not show any gain in the following skills: writing, complex reasoning, or critical-thinking?

      A. 15%
      B. 25%
      C. 35%
      D. 45%

Please remember to pledge your quiz:

On my honor, I have not consulted any outside sources when answering these questions: (Signature)

Extra Credit:

What percentage of current college students say they have cheated?

A.    20-40
B.    40-50
C.     60-75
D.    75-98

 Answers to be posted next week.

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